Johann Christoph Arnold
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Unlike the vast majority of marriage books, Sex, God, and Marriage digs deeper than the usual “issues” and goes to the root: our relationship with God, and the defining power of that relationship over all others in our lives. Arnold addresses the deep pain resulting from the cycle of broken relationships and the misuse of sexual intimacy. His words offer healing, a new beginning, and a sense of hope to those who have experienced discouragement or failure.
Includes chapters on sex, alternatives to dating, parenthood, singleness, homosexuality, abortion, divorce and remarriage. Sex, God and Marriage carries a foreword by Mother Teresa and was formerly titled A Plea for Purity.
Also available, a free study guide to facilitate group discussion or personal study: Download the study guide (PDF, 214 KB)
This book in other languages:
Un llamado a la pureza
Sex, Gott und Ehe
아름다운 약속, 순결
الجنس والزواج في فكر الله
Francis Cardinal Arinze
Clear, incisive, and uplifting…this book should be very helpful in living the virtue of chastity, which is God’s will for all men and women.
Bill Beckman, Office of Catechetics, Archdiocese of Denver
Paul Brand, M.D., author, Pain: The Gift Nobody Wants
Joan Brown Campbell, National Council of Churches
A cogent, well-reasoned approach to today’s troubling questions. Some may disagree with this or that conclusion, but all will acknowledge Arnold’s sincerity and his contribution to these debates.
Joseph M. Champlin, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Syracuse, NY
Arnold writes with clarity, conviction, and compassion. His detailed analysis and very practical applications underscore the Catechism’s general principles.
Robert L. Cleath, California Polytechnic Univ.
A wise book…Arnold’s deep faith in Christ and the Bible shines through on every page as he faces the spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions of marriage…Couples will find Arnold’s book a Spirit-led guide for true happiness in their life together.
William A. Dyrness, Fuller Theological Seminary
Striking for its clear and penetrating presentation of simple (and yet immensely profound) biblical truths about human sexuality. I wish everyone could read this call to cut through the complications of modern life by a holy and Christ-like life.
Bob Fryling, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
Does a wonderful job of putting sex into the larger contexts of Creation, the church, and marriage. Not everyone will agree with all of Arnold’s specific conclusions, but every mature believer will benefit from the convictions reflected in this book.
Vernon Grounds, Denver Seminary
A sensitive yet forthright articulation of the basic biblical perspective on purity in sexual conduct. I am very grateful for its unabashed emphasis on holiness in this area of life. Arnold’s message bears a clear witness and will provoke serious soul-searching.
David P. Gushee, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Inspiring and challenging…suffused with a biblical reverence for human life. One does not have to agree with every stance articulated in the book to be edified by its moral vision.
William A. Heth, co-author, Jesus and Divorce
Sex, God and Marriage is about the Creator’s intentions for the human family….It is about loving, committed, honest relationships lived out in the midst of a world bewildered by its inability to deliver on promises of happiness….
Alice von Hildebrand, Hunter College/CUNY
Arnold’s beautiful presentation of the great virtue of purity should be in the hands of every educator and every teenager. It is a message that is desperately needed today, and I cannot recommend it strongly enough.
Jay Kesler, Taylor University
This book is a beacon in our midst, and it should make us to look at what we have become as a society in light of radical Christianity. Few will find everything in the book acceptable, but all who read it prayerfully will be challenged to purity. In a world where conviction is a rare thing, this book is a treasure in a field.
Peter Kreeft, Boston College
Clear, compassionate, uncompromisingly Christian, and straight from (and to) the heart…Pretty close, I think, to what Jesus would say if he were to write a book about sex today—and probably as socially acceptable as He was.
J. Carl Laney, Western Seminary
A clarion call to return to God’s high and holy standard regarding sex and marriage, and a rich resource of practical advice.
Steve de Mott, Maryknoll Magazine
Profoundly significant…While the moral demands of the book are strong and clear, the book is much more positive than negative. I found myself wishing that adults had spoken to me in such a positive vein about these matters when I was a child.
Richard John Neuhaus, First Things
Human sexuality is here drawn fully into the life of discipleship. The result is both demanding and exhilarating, which is what disciples of Jesus should expect.
J. I. Packer, Regent College
This is the work of a very wise man with a very clear vision of God’s ideal for marriage and family… Simple and short, but deep, this is one of the best books available on handling our sexuality in a way that honors God.
Chris Rice, author, More Than Equals
A passionate call back to standards that, in the long run, will lead to true joy and contentment.
William H. Willimon, Duke University Chapel
Arnold writes simply, eloquently, and faithfully. Sex, God and Marriage is a relentless, biblical, call for renewed Christian commitment. Advocates of accommodated, acculturated Christianity will find little comfort in these pages; struggling disciples, however, will be much encouraged.
Richard Rohr, O.F.M., Center for Action & Contemplation
Some Christians might not say it in the same way, or with the same emphasis on certain issues, but the underlying values in Sex, God and Marriage are strong, needed, and consistent. I admire and support such lived faith as I find in this book.
Fr. Kris Stubna, Diocese of Pittsburgh
A marvelous exposition on the true values of family life, the beauty of marriage, and human sexuality as God intended it to be…A great resource for Catholic educators.
Paul C. Vitz, New York University
To advocate an ideal of sexual purity is perhaps the last American taboo. But if anything will awaken our society from its decadent slumber, it may be the spectacle of large numbers of people actually living a life of sexual virtue. This book provides a wise spiritual guide on how, and why, to lead such a life.
The author makes his plea in an uncompromising way, and there is something here to offend almost everyone. Yet no one can doubt his sincerity and consistency.
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